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Sunday, October 01, 2023

Charity vs investment, and it gets personal

Investment > voluntary-charity >> forced-charity (a.k.a tax funded welfarism)


Investor gains satisfaction and more wealth.

'Investee'/employee gains wealth and confidence.

The willing customer gains higher life satisfaction by consuming the product.

Voluntary charity:

Donor gains mental satisfaction.

Charity receiver gains wealth but possibly develops a chip on their shoulder.

Forced charity (Same as Tax-Funded-Welfarism): 

Donor suffers the pain of getting looted. 

Charity-receiver gains wealth but possibly develops a chip on the shoulder and feels entitled to loot the more well-off.

Some more observations:

  • In Fountainhead, Roark does charity on Keating by donating him his knowledge for Cosmo-Slotnick-building and Cortlandt-homes. But that act of charity did no good to Keating and morally/professionally decimated him in the long run.
  • In Atlas-Shrugged, charity/giving is a banned cussword in Galt's Gulch for good reason.
  • While I was in college, I was 'forced' by my social expectations to provide free tuitions to some students at a Student's home. In the beginning, I basked in the glamour of teaching higher-secondary physics in a reputable student's home. Also, I was awed by the sense of great social service I am rendering. Later, contrary to all brainwashing about the joys of charity, I grew resentful about spending my precious time in an activity which I could not easily back out of.

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